2011年9月9日 星期五

David de Gea accepts press criticism of shaky Manchester United start

David de Gea接受媒體對於他在Manchester United場上不穩定表現的批評

David de Gea accepts that it is normal that he should be criticised in the press for his shaky start as Manchester United's new goalkeeper but is confident in his ability to be a key member of Sir Alex Ferguson's team.

David de Gea接受媒體對於他身為Manchester United新守門員在場上不穩定表現的批評,但他相信自己有能力成為Alex Ferguson教練的隊伍中的重要成員。

The Spanish keeper was deemed to be at fault for both Manchester City's goals in the Community Shield and was also criticised for the one conceded against West Bromwich Albion in the Premier League. Eyebrows were also raised when he let Theo Walcott's effort through his legs in the 8-2 hammering of Arsenal.

這位西班牙的門將需要為了在對上Manchester CityCommunity Shield中的失分負責,且在聯賽中對上West Bromwich Albion時的進球也是他的責任。而讓人質疑的是,在以8-2的比分重擊Arsenal的比賽中,他竟讓Theo Walcott從他的腳下穿越了一球而得分。

However, he is unfazed by the criticism that has come his way. "No, it seems normal to me," he told AS. "When you do things wrong, even though it's a [just] couple of mistakes, the press has every right to criticise you. Especially when you're a goalkeeper, who is always under the spotlight. What happened is something normal and no big deal. Now it's in my hands to change those early negative criticisms into praise."


De Gea believes he can turn things round by "improving in every training session and in every match, but above all keeping intact my confidence in my abilities and in what I can bring to the team. I'm surrounded by very good people and that means that we can do big things this year. We have to have faith and belief that we can do it. Only that way will I continue to grow as a goalkeeper and having the necessary confidence to become a key player."

De Gea相信他能透過訓練及每一場比賽改變這一切,「但最重要的是,對於我自己的能力保持自信以及我能為球隊所做的事。在我的周遭圍繞著非常好的人,這代表我們在今年能夠有所大好作為。我們必須有信念且相信我們能做到。我正持續地成長為一名更好的守門員且有信心成為重要的一員。」

"The club, the supporters, the facilities, the atmosphere, it's all out of this world. All my team-mates are very open, there's a very good atmosphere, and that makes it much easier to integrate. I'm very happy because from the first day I've felt like just one more within the group. They help me with everything and that's pleasing." He added that he was impressed by witnessing Ferguson's personality up close – but surprised by his friendliness.


De Gea is not expecting to displace Iker Casillas or Pepe Reina in the Spanish national team any time soon, claiming that Spanish goalkeeping is experiencing "the best moment in its history", but notes that he is still eligible for the Under-21s and expects to gather more international experience with them.

De Gea並不打算要取代Iker CasillasPepe Reina在西班牙國家隊中的地位,雖然他聲稱西班牙的守門員是在體驗「歷史上最美好的一刻」,但他仍舊有資格在Under-21之列與他們共同獲取更多的國際賽經驗。

De Gea最近的表現有許多讓人讚賞之處,
甚至會讓人開始懷念起Van der Sar
Van der Sar很強,非常強,
從原來的Van der Sar退休後,
突然換成了De Gea
我覺得De Gea其實也是很不錯的,雖然還不夠好,

