2011年9月15日 星期四

Giggs still feels fresh


Ryan Giggs still has no plans to retire, even though the man in the opposing dug-out at Old Trafford on Sunday will be much younger than his 37 years.

即使在星期天的Old Trafford 球場中,對面休息區中的年齡會比他的37歲年輕上許多,Ryan Giggs依舊沒有退休的打算。

The evergreen Manchester United midfielder scored a tremendous goal against Benfica on Wednesday night and will be eager to face Andre Villas-Boas' Chelsea side after playing a key role in the Blues' Champions League downfall last term.

這位Manchester United的常青中場球員在星期三晚上對上Benfica時取得了一個很重要進球,並且相當渴望在對上Andre Villas-Boas所領軍的Chelsea時能在場上擔任重要的角色。

"Yes, it's slightly strange I suppose seeing managers younger than me," he admitted to MUTV. "I mean he's obviously had a successful time at Porto and Pep Guardiola is only 40 so it might be a trend that is starting to happen."

他向MUTV承認,當他看到總教練比自己年輕時確實感到有點奇怪,他說:「我認為他在Porto取得了很顯著的勝利,而且Pep Guardiola也才40歲,所以這種年輕化也許是種趨勢。」

United's infusion of young talent into the side is ensuring Giggs remains hungry and in tip-top condition as he looks to extend his record-breaking run in the club's first-team.


"I think I'm just enjoying it," he stressed. "Enjoying the challenge each season. The young players carry you through at times in training, when you're feeling a bit down or a bit slow, they are nipping at your heels and just dragging you on. They're making you feel sharp and train that much harder.


"Of course, with the manager and all of your other team-mates, you don't want to let them down. You constantly want to keep the quality you've had during your career, although my game's changed, I've still got to try and contribute to the team which, hopefully, I will carry on doing.


"I've not got any targets at all. If I pass these milestones then it's great but I've never set myself any targets. I try and enjoy it and try to win things. It's what I'm doing. Every moment, every week, every season is a bonus to me now.


"I was getting ready to finish two or three years ago but I'm still enjoying it. It's why I'm carrying on. If I start not enjoying it or feel I'm not contributing to the team, I'll call it a day.


In terms of a future beyond his playing days, Giggs still has no firm plans in place


"I don't think any players are really ready for retirement," he explained. "Ask a player what he misses and most players don't miss training, nor games. What they miss is going in to training and having the banter, seeing the team spirit. So it's tough to say you are going to miss it.


"The buzz of going out at Old Trafford for big league games and big Champions League games and the feeling you get when you win a game - I'm going to miss all that.

「我將會想念在Old Trafford中,大型聯賽以為冠軍盃聯賽中的吶喊聲,以及在比賽中獲勝的感覺。」

"You just try and prepare yourself to look for the next best thing, whether it'll be TV, coaching or other business interests, you try and prepare yourself. At the moment, I just want to get my badges done and take it from there. I'm really not saying 'no' to anything in football.


"You just prepare yourself as much as you can, but there's just so much concentration on playing, it's difficult to do that - especially at the start of a season. Maybe at the turn of the year, if I know I'm going to finish or am feeling I'm going to finish, I'll just start trying to prepare myself a little bit more."


是什麼原因讓他能像現在這樣保持住他在Manchester United的地位?

